Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Revisiting 2014 - Goals/Resolutions

I've already started my 2015 Resolutions/Goals list (a few months ago, to be honest) and wanted to revisit this past year's goals and see how I did with them. 

Disclaimer: I had 3 months of morning sickness that didn't even allow me to read Facebook messages let alone a book and the rest of the year was busy, busy, busy. A big chunk of my year seems to have disappeared so I did really bad on my goals! 

Let's revisit THIS Top Ten Tuesday and see how I did with those resolutions! 

1. Read 100 books
2. Read more classics
3. Read more children's books
4. Read at least 5 books from the 1000 Books To Read Before You Die list
5.  Read at least 5 banned or challenged books
6. Do the 26 book ABC Challenge
7. Dothe Book Genre Challenge
8. Take more pictures of books
9. Read all the books that are being turned into movies
10. Write more of my own book

1. Read 100 Books
Nope. Didn't happen. I cut my Goodreads goal back to 50 books and I'm currently only 2 books away from that goal. So not too bad, but I read a lot of children's books this year.
2. Read more classics
A big fail. I think I read 2-3 classics which, compared to previous years, is nothing. 
3. Read more children's books
Yay! Something I did accomplish! I read at least 20 children's books this year. Wasn't hard since I decided to read aloud to my baby girl in utero! 
4. Read at least 5 books from the 1000 Books to Read Before You Die List
Another fail. I read 2 and am currently reading 2. 
5. Read at least 5 banned or challenged books
Yay! I did read 5! Beloved, Blood and Chocolate, Child Of God, Tiger Eyes, and I re-read The Giver! 
6. Do the 26 book ABC Challenge
I did participate and keep track of this challenge but I did not read a book for each letter of the alphabet. So... fail. 
7. Do the Book Genre Challenge
This was a pretty big fail. I only participated in one month in which I coincidentally read a fairytale retelling (Cinder).
8. Take more pictures of books
I love photography but I really slacked off on this goal. 
9. Read all the books that are being turned into movies
ALL? That would take forever! I did read 13 books that were or would be adapted into movies and the 2 books I am currently reading are also adaptations. 
10. Write more of my own book
Biggest fail of all. I don't think I wrote a single sentence all year. :(

Here is a bigger list of goals and specific books that I wanted to read that I have gone back and crossed out if I got around to them. 

So, yeah, it wasn't the greatest year and I'll probably have even less time for any of these next year but it won't stop me from having outrageous goals or making lists! 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the wrap up post you shared with us!! I need to do an end of the wrap up myself. I think I did pretty well on accomplishing at least two of my goals. :-)
