Sunday, March 15, 2020

The Sunday Post - 2020 Week 11 - CoronaVirus

The Sunday Post is hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer
and is a chance to share news, both new and old!

Hey there, bloggers!

I feel like it's been so much longer than a week but maybe that's because I have plenty to share. Fun stuff first?
We had a great adventure last weekend where we saw mermaids and a manatee and a bunch of other wildlife. My mini-me got to hold a turtle and pet a snake so she was in heaven.
We went swimming at the springs and I braved a tourist season book sale.
 Other than that, we've been doing a lot of gardening and fun nature science activities and crafts. We also painted an oak tree mural on our glass door and it matches the lovely bright greenery outside. I love it.

In other news, every single post on my Facebook feed  (and everywhere else) is about the coronavirus this week, which is understandable. I'm glad I haven't had to go shopping because from what I'm hearing it's pure madness out there. It's like hurricane season but weirder.  Of course, all the locals are on the 'it's all a hoax' train so I'm just going to stay cautious and avoid the world for a couple of months or more. As usual.

How are you all holding up during all of this? Are you staying home with your books?

Currently Reading:

I just started Poldark #5 despite that I already have so many other current reads. I needed something I could easily get lost in and I'm already familiar with the characters and setting.
I'm having a hard time focusing on anything else right now with everything going on, but hopefully, I'll finish some of these this week! 

Recently Finished:Nothing. I've been too busy to read or write!

Chapter Books We've Finished Recently:

Recently Posted Reviews:

We read and reviewed two 'How to Catch' books from Adam Wallace and Andy ElkertonHow to Catch A Dinosaur and How to Catch A Dragon.  Am I terrible for thinking that their next book should be 'How To Catch A Virus'?!

I reviewed a Nat Geo Reader, Susan B. Anthony by Kitson Jazyncka for the publisher and a novelty StarWars book, Be More Leia: Find Your Rebel Voice and Fight the System by Christian Blauvelt.

I also finally got my review of The Bad Seed by Jory John and Pete Oswald up! This is the first in the trilogy that includes The Good Egg and The Cool Bean.

What I'm Watching:
Still finishing up The Walking Dead.
My mini and I watched Disney's Pocahontas after finishing the junior novelization.

What I'm Listening To:

'Gloria' by The Midnight
I shared another song by The Midnight last week and have since discovered this other track that I can't get out of my head now. It's upbeat and has major 80's vibes.

Have a great week! Stay safe!
Happy reading!



  1. Yeah the stores by me are how they look when they say there will be snow the next day...empty of goods! One store was out of bread, I had never seen it that empty even with a snowpocalypse on the way. Luckily I did find the loaf I needed but still no toilet paper, hopefully the stores will get that back in stock and we can manage to snag a pack.

    Hope you and yours can continue to stay safe! Happy Reading!

    Here's my StS

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. It's absolutely bonkers but also so understandable! Everyone seems to wait until the last minute during hurricane season and this is much more of a panic!
      I hope you're able to snag some tp! Stay safe as well! <3

  2. Ooooh enjoy Station Eleven! It's one of my all time favorites!

    Hannah @ Back Shelf Books

    1. I'm glad to hear that! I'm so slow with my reading these days but it's interesting so far! :)

      Have a great week!

  3. We are on spring break and then my daughter has 2 weeks of online classes. I am sure it is not a hoax and think it will get much worse before things get better. We are happy to be home. It's not forever and it's safer.

    Have a safe, healthy week and enjoy some great books!

    Anne - Books of My Heart Here is my Sunday Post   

  4. I've been hearing that a lot of senior citizens feel that way about it being a hoax. A relative of mine was down in Florida and heard that a lot with the people she was staying with. The stores have been crazy here. Anyway- glad you had some good adventures this week! That sounds lovely.

    Hope your week ahead is a good one!

  5. Your adventure sounds fun. I’m staying home with my books because I live with someone who has a lung disease. I’m not complaining about canceled plans and extra reading time. Have a great week!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  6. Sounds like you had a wonderful adventure!! I chuckled at your How to Catch a Virus joke, so if you're terrible I am too. :-)

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

  7. I hope you enjoy Station Eleven! It's one of my all time favorites:-)
