Saturday, June 1, 2024

LazyDayLit's JUNE 2024 TBR & Reading Goals

Hello readers! It's JUNE!

Can you believe we are almost halfway through the year?!

Summer is in full swing here and I'm in an outdoorsy / beachy mood and will be attempting to read any books that fit the theme! 

What are you hoping to read this month?
Got any good beachy read recommendations?



Off My Shelves

I'm attempting to read at least 50 books off my shelves this year and here are a few I hope to fit between my library loans in June! 

June TBR Tackle Challenge

Starts with L or R
? Lore ?

I listen to plenty of these 

Blue on the Cover
Maybe Tomorrow (poetry)
Barely Floating
Out of the Blue

Chunky book
Priory of the Orange Tree

Father Figure

What are you looking forward to reading in June?

You can keep up with what I end up reading over on Bookstagram @LazyDayLit
