Sunday, October 20, 2019

The Sunday Post - 2019 Week 42

The Sunday Post is hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer
and is a chance to share news, both new and old!

Hey there, bloggers!

I hope the past two weeks have been treating you all well.
 I hauled a nice stack of books from a library sale, found a new place to hike, and took my Little to a pumpkin patch to pick out her own pumpkin this week. We will be painting and carving them up asap!
I may be taking it easy around here in the next few months because of the holidays but will still be active when I can! I'm already getting this up late if that's an indicator of how things are going! *nervous laughter*

Currently Reading:

I have to return The Photo Ark Vanishing and Beneath the Sugar Sky asap so I'll probably spend most of today finishing those up. I just started House of Salt and Sorrows on Kindle and am reading the 'not-scary' parts of the Coraline graphic novel to my daughter.

Recently Finished:

Recently posted reviews:

 I shared my review for Maybe He Just Likes You by Barbara Dee, which I was provided a copy of but think is a must-read! Here's a link to Goodreads if you're interested!
Tiger vs Nightmare by Emily Tetri is an adorable graphic novel for very young readers.

I reviewed Awesome Achievers in Technology and Awesome Achievers in Science by Alan Katz, both containing mini-biographies of lesser-known persons, which I was provided copies of.

We read Give Me Back My Bones by Kim Norman and loved it! It teaches kids the names of their bones!
Pumpkin Island by Arthur Geisert is an appropriate story for the season about a town overrun by pumpkins! 

I also shared my reviews of Teeth in the Mist by Dawn Kurtagich, which was fantastically spooky, and Down Among the Sticks and Bones by Seanan McGuire, which is the second book in the Wayward Children series and also perfect for the spooky season!

Currently Watching:
I'm still wishing I could be in full-blown horror movie marathon mode but can only fit in a movie night once or twice a week. I ended up watching Donnie Darko, Sleepy Hollow, and splurged on Rob Zombie's 3 From Hell.

Are you celebrating the spooky season in any way?
Have a great week and happy reading!


  1. OOh nice! I love a good book sale! House of Salt and Sorrows was amazing! I hope you enjoy it and the rest of your new reads!

    Here's my StS

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  2. Ooh I never did see Sleepy Hollow! And the pumpkin patch souns fun- we haven't been to one yet!

  3. Give Me Back My Bones sounds fun! What a fun concept. I listened to Coraline last year and enjoyed it but wow is it weird! Somehow I've never watched that version of Sleepy Hollow (or read the book!) but I've been wanting to pick it up. Have a great week!

  4. Oh, I loved Sleepy Hollow! It's one of my favorite movies. Donny Darko was strange and spooky. I'll have to look into Teeth in the Mist. I've been seeing it around and I'm curious. Happy reading! :)
